Temple Beth Sholom



 The Temple Beth Sholom Endowment Fund was created in 2008 for the purpose of raising and investing funds in support of Temple Beth Sholom. The Fund currently holds assets worth approximately half a million dollars, and has returned tens of thousands of dollars in dividends to support activities at the Temple.  Holdings are placed in professionally managed funds, and are overseen by an independent board of synagogue members. The Endowment Fund is primarily designed to invest contributions for long-term growth, but there is also the capacity to accept and invest in the short term donations earmarked for specific projects at the Temple.

A tremendous transfer of wealth from one generation to the next is occurring now in the United States. At the same time, the role of religion and religious institutions in daily life is also changing. More and more, synagogues are coming to rely on investment income and other revenue streams rather than annual dues to maintain their financial security. The Endowment Fund welcomes donations in any amount. Cash donations will be invested for future use. The creation of a bequest, estate or legacy gift is another way to ensure that support continues for the values and institutions that have been meaningful to prior generations. A legacy gift does not need to impact current finances, as it can be funded by listing the TBS Endowment Fund, Inc. as a beneficiary for a retirement plan, insurance policy, or other estate holding. The TBS Endowment Fund also partners with the Harold Grinspoon Life & Legacy program, and can be designated as the recipient of a pledge through that program.

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about the TBS Endowment Fund or would like to make a contribution, please call the Temple Beth Sholom office at 941-955-8121 or email us at TBSEndowment@templebethsholomfl.org. All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.